what shocked me about my client's journeys . . .

Three Lies derailing Your post-divorce Glow-Up.

Grab my FREE video that can help you take the next step toward your glow-up!

- Why getting FIT isn't 'It".

- Mindsets that are selling you short.

- Whose opinions to question.

....and more!

I'm a professional Post-Divorce Glow-Up Coach and I help women like you.

What We Do At Post-Divorce Glow-Up


Free Post-Divorce Glow-Up Clarity Call

If you're serious about your post-divorce glow-up, I'm here to help!

Relax while I ask questions to explore where you are, what dreams you have for your future, and what obstacles are holding you back. I'll provide suggestions, tools, and free resources tailored to your journey. You'll leave with clarity, a sense of connection, and feeling supported.

This is the first step to see if a longer-term coaching relationship is right for you. Sometimes, this call alone provides all the support you need. There's only one way to find out—get on my calendar HERE.


Free Education & Inspiration

I believe every woman deserves knowledge, support, and inspiration on her post-divorce journey. That’s why I offer most of my tools and content for FREE through a weekly podcast and newsletter. As an avid student of growth and transformation, I love sharing what I learn and the tools I discover to foster peace and growth.

You can watch my FREE video, "Three Lies Derailing Your Post-Divorce Glow-Up," and subscribe to my newsletter HERE. Listen and subscribe to my podcast, The Post-Divorce Glow-Up Show on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.


Personalized one-on-one Coaching

The fastest and most straightforward path to transformation is through long-term one-on-one coaching, tailored specifically to your needs, values, and aspirations.

This high-touch experience includes weekly meetings for consistent guidance and support, along with personalized tools addressing your unique challenges. An accountability system keeps you motivated and encouraged, making the journey feel supportive rather than overwhelming.

With this customized approach, you'll gain empowerment and clarity, allowing you to navigate your post-divorce glow-up with confidence and ease.

This is offered by invitation only. Your first step is to schedule a free Clarity Call where we'll meet each other to see if this is a good fit for both of us. You can get on my calendar by CLICKING HERE.

Welcome, I'm glad you're here.

I'm Quinn!

In a matter of months, I left my religion, my town, and my marriage of 22 years. I had no job, no close family, and was clinically obese. I wanted so badly to create a different life for me and my children.

I knew what I wanted to achieve and even the steps I needed to take, but I wasn't following through.

Then, I realized I was being short-sighted by trying to do it all myself. I needed an empathetic witness to help me identify where I was stuck, challenge my narratives, and provide a safe space for vulnerability and accountability. Most importantly, I needed someone who would be there for the long haul.

That's when my post-divorce glow-up took off!

Imagine embarking on this journey with a trusted guide by your side; a mentor who illuminates your blind spots and lifts you up when you stumble.

You don't have to do this alone.

what clients are saying...

“My go-to coach for the past 3 years.”


"If one person can do it, so can another. It's just a matter of understanding how." - Tara Brach


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